
Different Types of Low-E Glass

Due to rising energy expenses and increased environmental concerns, many households search for ways to save energy. Installing solar control low-emissivity (Low-E) glass windows is one way to address this. By keeping the heat outside in the summer and inside during the winter, these windows improve energy efficiency in your house and save your electricity costs.  

Better insulation, greater energy efficiency, and lower utility bills are all benefits of Low-E glass windows. Read on to understand what solar control Low-E glass is, its energy-efficient benefits, and why it should be your top choice for green home building or remodelling projects. 

What is Low-E Glass?  

Low-E glass is produced by treating glass surfaces with an invisible and thin metallic oxide coating that reflects heat into the living space. This prevents heat loss and maintains a consistent indoor temperature. 

Windows and doors account for 70% of energy loss in homes, with 90% of heat loss through windows occurring via the glass. Low-E glass dramatically decreases this energy loss, improving the performance of passive solar building designs. 

With rising global temperatures, it’s more crucial than ever to make eco-conscious choices. Collectively, our daily energy consumption impacts the environment. By making smarter choices in architectural designs, we can dramatically reduce energy usage and work towards sustainability. One such innovation is solar control low-emissivity (Low-E) glass. 

What is Solar Control Low-E Glass? 

Solar Control is a type of Low-E glass that has a special invisible coating to reduce its surface emissivity. This coating helps the glass to reflect shortwave infrared radiation to the exterior of a building, which makes it possible to reflect much of the heat.  

Unlike untreated glass, which has a high surface emissivity, absorbs and emits radiant energy, solar control Low-E glass can control the solar heat gain and provide energy efficiency to the building. 

Solar control Low-E glass windows are an excellent option for those looking for energy-efficient solutions while still maintaining good solar control. They allow natural daylight to enter the space without letting in heat from direct sunlight.  

However, to keep buildings cooler and cut down on energy costs associated with air conditioning, solar control Low-E windows are made to restrict the amount of solar heat that enters a house or structure.  

Key Benefits of Solar Low-E Glass 

The following are some of the key benefits offered by solar control Low-E glass: 

1. Stopping Glare in its Tracks 

Well-lit rooms can be comforting, but too much sunlight can lead to skin and vision problems. Solar control Low-E glass is designed to provide the perfect balance between healthy exposure to sunlight and protection from its harmful effects. 

This type of glass works by reflecting and absorbing infrared rays, resulting in advanced solar control. It helps maintain a consistent indoor temperature and enhances visual and thermal comfort. When designing sustainable buildings, solar control Low-E glass is an efficient and effective glazing solution. 

2. Optimising Thermal Performance 

One can’t control the weather outside, though you can control the temperature inside your home or office. Solar control Low-E glass helps keep the inside temperature comfortable. These glasses are especially useful in regions with very hot or very cold weather.  

Solar control Low-E glass windows work by keeping excess heat out during hot weather and keeping warmth in during cold weather. This means less need for air conditioning or heating systems. These windows are often used in double glazing (two layers of glass with a gap in between) to provide good insulation and keep out the sun’s heat. 

3. Saving Money and the Planet 

For an energy-efficient and eco-friendly glazing solution, solar control Low-E glass is an excellent option. By providing better temperature regulation and insulation, this glass dramatically cuts energy usage from cooling, heating, and lighting appliances. 

In doing so, homeowners can reduce electricity bills while also conserving resources and cutting carbon emissions – a win-win for saving money and helping the planet. And by letting in more free natural daylight, reliance on artificial lighting also decreases. 


When designing or renovating residential and commercial spaces, be sure to consult with AIS Glass about solar control Low-E glass. This innovative glazing solution offers smarter energy savings and environmental benefits compared to ordinary glass windows. Contact AIS Glass today to learn how solar control Low-E glass products can help build greener, more sustainable spaces while reducing energy consumption and bills. 

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